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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.07.25

Shanghai Changning District: The Latest Hotspot for Taobao Cloud Warehousing Outsourcing

In recent years, with the rise of e-commerce and the rapid development of


logistics industry, the demand for storage and distribution services has been increasing. As one of the most important logistics hubs in China, Shanghai has attracted a large number of logistics businesses, and the demand for warehousing services also continues to grow. Among them, Taobao cloud warehousing outsourcing has become a popular choice for e-commerce sellers, and the Changning district of Shanghai is now considered to be the latest hotspot for this kind of service.

Taobao cloud warehousing is a service provided by Alibaba Group for its online retail platform Taobao. This service enables e-commerce sellers to store their products in Alibaba's warehouses and use Alibaba's logistics network to deliver their goods to customers. By outsourcing the warehousing and logistics operations to Alibaba, e-commerce sellers can


save costs on storage, transportation, and labor, and focus more on sales and marketing.

Changning district, located in the western part of Shanghai, is now attracting a large number of e-commerce businesses and logistics service providers to set up Taobao cloud warehousing centers. This district has several advantages that make it an attractive location for warehousing outsourcing.

First of all, Changning has a favorable geographical location and convenient transportation. It is adjacent to Hongqiao International Airport, one of the busiest airports in China, and has easy access to the national highway network and the Shanghai metro system. This makes it easy to transport goods between the warehouse and the airport or the port.

Secondly, Changning has a large supply of commercial real estate, including warehouses and storage facilities. The rent and land prices in this area are relatively lower than other central districts of Shanghai, which makes it an


affordable option for e-commerce businesses.

Thirdly, Changning has a well-established logistics industry and a mature supply chain ecosystem. Many logistics service providers, such as SF Express, YTO Express, and JD Logistics, have established their distribution centers and warehouses in Changning. This creates a synergy effect that allows e-commerce sellers to enjoy a wide range of logistics services and resources.

Finally, Changning is a hub for cross-border e-commerce and international trade. The district has established several free trade zones and bonded areas, which provides e-commerce sellers with incentives and benefits such as tax exemptions and customs clearance facilitation.

As a result of these advantages, more and more e-commerce businesses and logistics service providers are choosing Changning


as their Taobao cloud warehousing outsourcing location. With the high demand for warehouse and logistics services, the Changning district is expected to see a steady growth in the warehousing outsourcing industry.

In conclusion, the Taobao cloud warehousing outsourcing service is becoming a popular choice for e-commerce sellers, and the Changning district of Shanghai is now considered to be the latest hotspot for this kind of service. The favorable geographical location, abundant commercial real estate, mature logistics industry, and the hub for cross-border e-commerce make Changning an attractive location for Taobao cloud warehousing outsourcing.






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